Monday, 9 February 2015

Why Leg Cramps at Night?

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night because of suffering from leg cramps that occur suddenly? This is a very common problem suffered by many people in. We usually feel a sharp pain in the calf muscles and it would be very disturbing sleep. Although these complaints are very common in anyone, this issue should not be ignored or taken lightly. Here are the causes of leg cramps at night, as reported Boldsky.

1. Blood Circulation Problems
Most of us would ever feel leg cramps at night. But if you are experiencing this problem cramps regularly, then maybe there is something wrong with the blood circulation. If your circulatory system is not functioning properly, blood can not flow to the feet. It can make the calf muscle cramps suddenly.

2. Due to Sports Injuries
Vigorous exercise can sometimes stretch the muscles. It usually causes injury to the limb cramps.

3. Lack of Essential Minerals
Minerals such as potassium and calcium are important for your body electrolytes. In the absence of this mineral, very difficult for the blood circulation function smoothly. Therefore, if you are deficient in this mineral, you might often have leg cramps at night.

4. Pregnancy
Calf cramps are very common during pregnancy. This is mainly due to the growth of the fetus draw essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium from your body. As a result, blood circulation slows down and sometimes stop.

5. Dehydration
When the body is completely dehydrated, you are in a state of dehydration. If there is not enough fluid in the body, blood circulation and even the central nervous system are affected. That is why it is very important for you to drink enough water before bed and drink a glass of water every time you wake up at night.

These are some of the most common causes of calf cramps at night. Kidney damage or consumption of certain drugs can also cause leg cramps.

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