Sunday 15 February 2015

Arteries blockage, Beware Cramps Heart

Many people refer chest pain to heart cramps. While in the medical world, the cardiologists call this symptom as angina pectoris.

heart cramps disproportionately affects men aged 50 years and over. The affected women are generally older than 55 years. More lifetimes women because they have hormones better endurance than men

Cause of Cramps Heart or Agina Pectoris

Beware Cramps Heart
Arteries blockage, Beware Cramps Heart
The cause of cramps heart is the blockage in the coronary arteries. Blockage was due to the accumulation of fat and cholesterol in the bloodstream. However, it can also occur because there is calcification of the arteries. As a result, the flow in the blood does not flow perfectly.

Liming is a natural process in humans. Therefore, everyone is at risk of angina pectoris. For obese patients, the risk of heart cramps much greater because obese or overweight have excess fat. Even so for people with diabetes mellitus, the risk of angina pectoris great anyway.

Angina pectoris is also a hereditary disease. That is, if there is one family member who has been infected with this penyalit, grandchildren can have the same thing. In fact, heredity is more vulnerable than other factors.

Heredity may be faster than the symptoms to other factors. If angina pectoris generally only seen at the age of 50 years and over, but if it is caused by heredity can be younger.

Although frightening, the disease is in fact still treatable. Requirement the patient is not too late to come to the experts. With vessels dilate narrowed heart, heart disease can be treated. The vessels dilate can be done in two ways, namely outpatient and surgery.

Outpatient treatment is given when the disease is in the initial phase. Characteristics, yet severe vessel blockage and still treatable. How to treatment by administration of low-dose aspirin to facilitate blood flow. However, administration of aspirin should not be carelessly. 

Giving aspirin should be in a doctor's supervision. If without the supervision of a physician, the patient will not know if the blockage is normal or not. The healing through surgery intended for patients who have suffered severe narrowing.

Saturday 14 February 2015

early pregnancy cramps

In early pregnancy in the first trimester, it seems characteristics early pregnancy by women of changes in the stomach. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the first 3 months of your stomach has begun to swell. It is certainly reasonable because it is a growing fetus in your womb.

Early pregnancy is the amazing things for prospective parents, especially on your first pregnancy. But sometimes unconscious pregnancy it leads to wrong treatment in pregnant women. There is therefore a good idea to know what are the signs of the early pregnant in the first trimester.

The Stomach Cramps - early pregnancy cramps

abdominal cramps usually occur in the first weeks of early pregnancy that occurs in the lower abdomen. This is due to the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine wall or sometimes referred to as implantation cramping. Sometimes this will be accompanied by their implantation spotting caused by implantation bleeding. Cramps can also occur due to stretching and growth of the uterus. These cramps are usually more hurt and occur up to several weeks of early pregnancy. Cramping is not cause spotting. To minimize these cramps you can take supplements of magnesium or calcium, of course with the advice of your gynecologist.

food cravings
85% of pregnant women reported frequent food cravings at some time in their pregnancy, and the period of the most common food cravings is the first and the last trimester. Why? Experts do not really understand the real relationship between pregnancy and cravings but suspect it has to do with the body's hormonal changes and the need to add nutrients. Even if you want a particular food, it is not always a good thing to eat what you want, for example, is the ice cream cravings will help meet the nutrition for you and your unborn baby.

Morning sickness
An estimated 85% of pregnant women suffer from morning sickness in early pregnancy. It is indeed very disturbing for pregnant women. But the good news is, this is usually due to expire in the first trimester of pregnancy is approximately 14-16 weeks.

Breast Changes
Breast began to change 3-4 weeks after conception and will look into tender and swollen. Nipples will become darker and wider and the entire breast will start to grow due to the development of ducts and glands that would allow breastfeeding after birth. You may want to consider purchasing a maternity bra early to make you comfortable during pregnancy.

Friday 13 February 2015

Muscle Cramps in Legs Causes

Cramping is a seizure (spasm) muscles that are sudden and extremely painful. The most frequent cramps in the calf muscles are under and behind the knees. Cramping pain may last a few seconds to minutes with varying severity.

Cramps can be caused by many things, among others:
  •   Muscle fatigue
  •   The use of excessive muscle
  •   Lack of body electrolytes (Ca and K) due out through sweat
  •   The buildup of lactic acid (results in muscle metabolism)
  •   Disruption of muscle tissue oxygenation
  •   Disruption of blood circulation to the muscle tissue
Some of the ways you can do to overcome cramps are:

overcome Muscle Cramps in Legs
Muscle Cramps in Legs Causes
1. Stay away from High Heel
Even if forced to wear a high heel, toe occasional disconnect that has a chance to break. Although size is loose, shape high heels cause the fingers always bend so that blood flow is not smooth.

2. Select a loose shoe
Shoes that are too tight in the end make the toes are often subjected to pressure when walking, especially when standing on tiptoe. As a result, blood flow in the place was less smoothly so easy finger cramps.

3. Keep your body's water balance
Lack of body fluids is also a risk factor for muscle cramps, including the toes. Drink plenty of water, especially when doing strenuous exercise and a lot of sweat.

4. Inadequate body needs minerals
One trigger cramps in toes is a mineral deficiency, especially calcium, potassium and magnesium. The recommended minimum intake is 1,000 mg of calcium and 4.7 grams of potassium per day. Special magnesium, recommendation is 400-420 mg per day for men and 310-320 mg for women.

5. Sports toes
Do not need special equipment to train flexibility and strength toes. Enough with movements to take a towel or marbles on the floor while standing for example, or just move at will while sitting watching.

6. massage or soak in warm water
Many ways to improve blood circulation in the legs, but the easiest and most convenient thing to do is often massaged. Another way that is quite enjoyable is often soak in warm water.

Hopefully the information about the causes and how to overcome the above cramps can be beneficial.